Sunday 16 December 2012

Sudden Death

By Corba Sunman
Hale, December 2012

Lew Harper receives news that his father is having trouble and spares no time getting back there to help him out. But Lew is too late and the Circle H ranch is in the grip of a stranger.

Looking for explanations, Harper finds himself in an unexpected ambush and his troubles escalate wildly, taking a strange turn when he discovers that his father has actually been missing for three years. Every way he turns the mystery deepens and, when the shooting starts, sudden death is on the cards, and it won’t stop until Lew has all the answers….

The mystery behind the disappearance of Lew Harper’s father serves as a tremendous hook and guarantees that the reader will find the book difficult to put down until the answers are discovered.

Harper has to go it alone as most of the other characters in this easy to read story don’t seem to want him around for reasons that aren’t disclosed until the tale is drawing to its conclusion, a final shootout that is both fast and brutal.

Like many readers of Corba Sunman’s stories I’ve always enjoyed them, and this one is no exception….but, surprisingly, Corba has slipped up by having the same man killed twice within a matter of a few pages. Still he isn’t the first author to do this and I’m sure he won’t be the last, so if you can overlook this mistake I’m sure, like me, you’ll find this story to be an entertaining read.

Sudden Death is officially released on December 30th but is available now from the usual Internet bookstores.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a surprising mistake to have slipped through, Steve, but then again, perhaps not. Earlier this year another writer commented at an online Hale Authors discussion group: "I've had three of my out-of-print Hale books accepted for publication by reputable e-publishers BUT I completely rewrote them before submitting. I found my writing style had significantly evolved in the interim.... With the greatest respect to Hale, the original editing process wasn't that vigorous anyway so, even if you don't feel the need to rewrite, I would strongly endorse the recommendation that you go through the original with a fine tooth comb."