Friday, 7 September 2012

The Lonely Widow

By Peter Brandvold
Mean Pete Press, August 2012

Gideon Hawk is once again in relentless pursuit.

This time he’s after the Bobcat Jack Bunch who robbed a stagecoach and ran it off a cliff, killing two innocent women and two innocent children.

Reminding him as it does of his own murdered son and his dead wife, that rubs Hawk the wrong way.

The Rogue Lawman hunts the gang like the merciless wolf he is. The blood trail leads him finally to an isolated mountain cabin, a fresh grave, and a lonely, beautiful young widow...

For those of us that have been waiting for a new Rogue Lawman story here’s a brand new short story to keep us going until Peter gets to write another full-length tale.

Here Hawk tracks down and deals with, in his own brutal way, a band of robbers and killers. It’s a gritty tale containing dark humour, savage action scenes and a twist to the tale, all told at a fast pace that makes for some gripping, entertaining reading.

For those who’ve never read a Rogue Lawman book, Peter Brandvold includes just enough background about Hawk’s past to explain why he does what he does. I’m sure that if this is your introduction to Hawk then after reading this you’ll be quickly tracking down the six books already out there (I believe Peter has already launched the first two as ebooks and that the others will follow soon).


Teutonic Terror said...

Do you know the status of this book? I enter it into Amazon, and all I can get is "The Revenger Omnibus: A Western Adventure Collection", which doesn't contain The Lonely Widow. Was it retitled?

Steve M said...

Unfotunately, I don't. I believe it was only issued as an ebook by the author himself. If you message Peter Brandvold he might be able to tell you if it's available elsewhere.

Teutonic Terror said...

Thanks for letting me know. Amazon isn't treating it as an entry in the Rogue Lawman series.